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Transcribed by Joanne Scobee Morgan
STROBE, Christian Strobe, of Pa., removed first to Indiana, and from thence, to Audrain co., Mo. His wife was MARRY MILLER, of Ky., and they had William H., Eliza, James, Isabella. George, Rebecca, Mary and Christian, Jr., most of whom have families and live in Audrain and Montgomery counties.SANDERS, Christopher Sanders settled near Loutre Lick, in Montgomery co., at an early date. He was a great hunter, but somewhat indolent, and generally depended upon borrowing a gun to shoot his gains with rather than perform the labor of carrying one. He raised four sons and two daughters, Jack, James, Joseph, William, Nancy and Rachel. William married LIBBY SLAVENS, a daughter of STEWART SLAVENS, of Middletown.
SHARP, Thomas Sharp was a native of Ireland, but emigrated to America, and settled first in Pennsylvania, from whence he removed to Washington co., Va. He was married twice, and by his first wife he had John, Thomas, Jr., and Benjamin. By his second wife he had but one child, David, who became a Methodist minister and lived and died in Virginia. Thomas Jr., settled in Ky. Benjamin was a soldier in the Rev. war, and was in Colonel Campbell's command at the battle of King's Mountain. He married HANNAH FULKERSON, of Va., and their children were James F., John D., Polly C., Jacob L., Catharine E., Attosa P., Hannah D., Peter L., Elvira E., Malinda M., Margaret J., and Benjamin F. In 1816 Mr. Sharp removed to Mo. with all his family except John and Malinda, and settled in (now) Warren co., three miles east of Pinckney. When Montgomery co. was organized in 1818, he was appointed clerk of the county and circuit courts, and held the position until the state was admitted into the union. A small log cabin was built in his yard and used as a court house, until the county seat was located at Pinckney, which was named for his daughter, Attosa Pinckney Sharp. Mr. Sharp died at the old homestead in 1843; his wife died two years previous. Their son, James, married CATHARINE NEIL. Polly C., married JERRY H. NEIL. Jacob L. married HARRIET VANCE. After the organization of the state government he bought the offices of County and circuit clerk from a man named LONG, who had been appointed by Gov. McNail. He paid $100 for those offices, and continued to hold them by election until 1865. He was a bald-headed man, and wore his hat on all occasions, including the sitting of the courts, a privilege which all the judges allowed him. While the county seat was located at Lewiston he made a regular practice of taking the prisoners out of the jail and exercising them. He died in 1869. Attosa Sharp married CAPT. JOHN WYATT, a soldier of the war of 1812. Hannah D. married B--TON (BEATON? BESTON?) CALLAHAN. Peter L. married JANE JOHNSON. Elvira married JAMES HUGHES. Catharine E. married CONRAD CARPENTER. Margaret J. married FREDERICK HAMILTON, was was editor of the Columbia, Mo. Patriot. Benjamin F. is a physician and is the only one of the twelve brothers and sisters who is still living. He married MARY H. McGHEE, and resides on his farm near Montgomery City, respected and honored by all who know him. Samuel T. and Benjamin F., sons of Jacob L. Sharp, are well known and prominent citizens of Montgomery co.
SEE - The See family is of German origin. Three brothers, Adam, George and Michael, with seven sisters, were raised in Hanly co., Va. Their father, George, and a negro man were all killed by lightning while stacking hay. The girls married and settled in Ky. and Ohio. Adam was a prominent lawyer, and lived and died in Va. Michael married CATHARINE BAKER, of Hardy co., Va., by whom he had Mary, Elizabeth, A--in C. (Adain?), Barbara, Anthony, Jacob, John, Solomon, and Noah. Mr. See was a soldier in the war of 1812. He settled in Montgomery co., Mo., in 1837. His daughter, Elizabeth, married HUGH HART, who settled in Montgomery co., in 1839. Barbary (?) married THOMAS McCLEARY, who settled in Montgomery c., in 1840. Jacob married RACHEL MORRISON, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1837. He has been justice of the peace and deputy sheriff and is now the representative of his county in the state legislature. He was also a prominent member and office of the Evanix Society, in Danville. Mr. See is very fond of fine stock, and in 1871 he raised eighteen hogs that averaged from 700 to 1000 pounds, each. He took them to St. Louis, had them made into bacon and sent the hams to Memphis, Tenn., but they were shipped back, with a statement from the commission merchant that they were not buying HORSE HAMS. Mr. See also raised and still has in his possession, the largest ox in the world. He has made a good deal of money by exhibiting this mammoth brute in various parts of the United States, and everywhere he goes, crowds gather to see the wonder. John See married MARGARET STEWART, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1839. Noah See was married 1st to his cousin, MARGARET SEE, and after her death, he married MARY A. SAYLOR, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1839. He is an influential and wealthy citizen, and has been county surveyor for a number of years.
SAYLOR, Emanuel Saylor and his wife, ANN HULETT, were early settlers of Montgomery co. They had James, John H., and Thomas. James married LIBBEY COBB, and they had 11 children. John H. married VIRGINIA M. PERKINS, of Ky. Thomas married MARIA RICE, and after his death, his widow married JOHN HAYS.
STEVENS, Richard Stevens was a noted hunter and trapper. He married SALLY AMBROSE, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1831. The first day after his arrival in Montgomery, he killed 6 deer, and during his residence in the county he killed 400 deer, 40 bears, and so many wild cats, raccoons, etc., that he could not keep an account of them. He had 6 children, Hiram A., Emily, Willis, Lucretia, Virginia, and Joseph. Hiram A. married SARAH A GARRETT and lives in Montgomery co. Emily married EVANS B. SCALE, and also lives in Montgomery co. The rest of the children settled in other states.
STEVENS, Thomas Stevens emigrated from England and settled on the James river, 129 miles above Richmond, Va., prior to the rev. His children were John, William, Susan, Delila, Elizabeth and Lucy. John married AMANDA THORNHILL of Va., and they had Thomas, William, Absalom, Elizabeth, Nancy, Susan and Hope. Thomas was a soldier in the Rev. war. He married AGNES PERKINS , and settled in Mo., in 1826. His children were John, William, Agnes, and Eliza. He was married the 2nd time in Mo. William, who was a Baptist preacher, was born in May, 1786. He married FRANCES A. FERGUSON, daughter of DOUGAL FERGUSON AND ELIZABETH ARCHER, whose father was the 3rd owner of Bermuda Hundreds on James River. William Stevens settled in Montgomery co., in 1830. His children were Dougal F., William H., John A., Thomas, Eliza, Mary S., France A., and Virginia. Nancy, daughter of John Stephens, married JACOB MAXEY, who settled in Montgomery co., in 1835. They had William B., Joseph, Redford, Jacob, Elizabeth, Mary and Nancy.
SINGLETON, Spiers Singleton was the son of George Singleton, of N.C. He married LUCINDA WHITESIDES of Christian co., Ky., and settled in Illinois, where he died, leaving a widow and 7 children. Her brother, James Whitesides, brought her and the children to Montgomery co., and attended to their wants until the children were grown, and at his death, he left most of his property to them. The names of the children were James W., Ewell D., John S., Emeline, Cynthia A., Polly and Mary A.
SNETHEN, Abraham Snethen and his wife, ELIZABETH STEWART, were natives of Germany. They emigrated to America and settled in New Jersey, where they had 11 children, of whom the names only 7 are now remembered. They were William, John, Reuben, Polly, Lydia, Elizabeth and Margaret. William married and settled in Ky. in 1792, and in 1810 he removed to Ohio, where he lost his wife. He then started to return to N.J., but died of cholera, at Hagerstown, Md. John was born in March, 1789, and when he was 8 years old, his mother died. He was then bound out to a man in Elizabethtown, N.J., to learn the trade of wheelwright. He remained with the man 7 years, and then having had a misunderstanding with his landlady, he ran away and went to Philadelphia, where he embarked on board a ship as a sailor. He followed the sea seven years, and during the latter part of that period, while the ship was returning from the West India Islands, with a cargo of sugar and coffee, the yellow fever broke out among the crew and all of them died except Snethen, the cook, and one sailor. They succeeded, however, in bringing the vessel safely into port, and delivering her to the owners, whose admiration of Snethen's bravery and skill was so great that they proposed to educate him and give him command of a ship. He accepted their offer, but in the meantime paid a visit to his friends in N.J., who persuaded him to abandon the sea. He then went to Ky., and arrived at Maysville (then called Lewiston) in Dec. 1799. Here he first heard of the death of General Washington. From Maysville he went with his brother, Reuben, to visit their brother, William, who lived in Estell co. There he became acquainted with and married SUSAN BOX. He remained in that county 7 years, and bought several tracts of land, all of which he lost on account of defective titles. In 1808 he placed his wife, 3 children, and all their household goods and chattels on a two-year old filly and a little pony, and came to Mo. He settled 4 miles about Loutre Island, on the Mo. river, where he remained 1 year. During that time he was visited by a party of French hunters, who expressed surprise that he had settled in the bottom, "For," said they, "our fathers have seen the water over the tops of the sycamore trees." He became alarmed at their statement and removed 7 miles northward, and settled on Dry Fork of Loutre, where several other families soon gathered about him. In 1812, he removed to Howard co., in company with MUKE BOX, ELISA TODD, JAMES, JOHN & WILLIAM SAVAGE, WILLIAM WARDEN AND ROBERT BENTON, and their families. They placed their families in Kincaid's Fort and joined the rangers to assist in protecting the settlement against the Indians. Mr. Snethen afterward removed his family to Hempstead's Fort, which was larger and stronger than Kincaid's. They remained there until 1814, when they removed to Cooper's Fort. On the night of the 14th of April of that year, Capt. SARSHALL COOPER was killed by some unknown person, who picked out the chinking of his chimney and shot him through the opening as he was seated in his cabin. Mr. Snethen was seated by his side at the time, but was not hurt. In 1818 Mr. Snethen returned to his old place on Dry Fork of Loutre, where he remained until his death, which occurred on the first of Jan., 1859. He raised 12 children of his own, and twelve negro children, and there was not a death on his place for 45 years. He saw 81 of his grandchildren before his death. Mr. Snethen and his wife were both members of the Old Baptist Church. Their children were Aley B., John, Jr., Polly, Elizabeth, William, Sally, Reuben G., Muke B., Nancy, Emeline, David S., and Matilda. Aley B. was a Baptist preacher and a physician. He married CAROLINE JOHNSON, and had 14 children. John Jr. was a merchant at Troy, Mo., for 37 years but has retired from business. He is an intelligent gentleman, and can give a vivid portrayal of the dangers and trials of pioneer life. He went to school with Kit Carson in Cooper's Fort, and received most of his education while they were living in the forts during the Indian war. He married EUPHEMIA WELLS, a sister of CARTY WELLS, by whom he had 6 children. Mr. Snethen clerked in the store of CHARLES DRURY, at Loutre Lick from 1824 to 1826. Polly Snethen married JOHN CUNDIFF, and they had 14 children. Elizabeth married WILLIAM CLARK. William married SUSAN GROOM, and they had 11 children. Sally married HOLLAND WHITESIDES. Reuben G. was married 3 times; first to REBECCA DIXON; second to CATHARINE HUNTER, and third to LUCINDA J. SALLEE. He had 12 children in all. Muke B. married JULIA A. LEAVELL, and they had 5 children. Nancy was married first to JAMES RUSSELL, 2nd to ALFRED WINDSOR, and 3rd to NEWTON J. HUNTER. Emeline married TOLESON HUNTER. David S. married KEZIAH FELKNIFF. Matilda married BENJAMIN F. CLARK. Reuben Snethen, brother of John Sr., married a MISS SMITH, and settled on Duck River in Tennessee. Abraham, another brother, was married twice, and lived in Callaway co.
STEWART, John Stewart, of Bath co., Va., was of Irish descent. He married HANNAH HICKLAND, of Va., and their children were James, John, Edward, Jacob, Miranda, David, Margaret, Nancy and Jennie. John married his cousin, MARY STEWART and they had Octavia, Tabitha, Osborne, Margaret, Alonzo, Emily, Martha and Cortez. Mr. Stewart settled in Montgomery co. in 1839. His 3 younger children died before they were grown. Octavia married FRANK DEVINE. Tabitha married REV. MARTIN LUTHER EADES, who died in old age, and she afterward married LEWIS BUSBY. Margaret married JOHN SEE.
SUBLETT, Hill Sublett, of Green co., Ky., married DELPHI JENNETT, of Va. In 1817 he came to Mo. on a prospecting tour, returned to Ky. and brought his family out in 1822. He had 10 children, 6 daughters and 4 sons.
SLAVENS, William S. Slavens was born in Greenbriar co., Va., Sept. 15, 1787. He was married 5 times; first to ANNA HAWKINS, by whom he had 3 children, second to MARY RIGGS, third to ELIZABETH ELSBURY, by whom he had 7 children, fourth to the WIDOW THOMAS, whose maiden name was REBECCA STANLEY, by whom he had 2 children; and fifth to the WIDOW MEYERS, whose maiden name was PAULINA HUNT. Mr. Slavens settled in Montgomery, on Brush Creek, in 1820, and removed to near Middletown in 1829. He owned part of the land that Middletown was built upon. Mr. Slavens came to Mo. in company with his brother, Thomas, and a MR. McCARTA, in a little horse cart. Their stock consisted on 1 cow, the property of William Slavens, which they drove before them, and for which he was offered forty acres of land within the present limits of St. Louis; but thought his cow was worth more than the land, and kept her. Mr. Slavens had $640 in money, which he loaned to Mr. McCarta, who invested it in Irish potatoes, and planted them on 10 acres of land in Illinois. The potato crop was a failure, and the money was never repaid. The names of Mr. Slavens' children were James H., Sarah, Isabella, Lydia A., Martha A., Aaron, William N., Henry B. Euphemia, Louisa, Elizabeth and Mary S. The youngest son, now in his 47th year, has 16 children and ten grandchildren.
SUMMERS, Caleb Summers was raised in Montgomery co., Maryland, where he married RACHEL CRAWFORD. In 1796 he settled in Jefferson co., Ky. His children were Polly, Benjamin, Robert, Thomas, and Malinda. Robert married his cousin, GRACE SUMMERS, and settled in Pike co., Mo., in 1834. His children were William B., Elizabeth, Caleb L., Noah, Benjamin F., George, Robert A., and Thomas. William B. married the WIDOW TUCKER, whose maiden name was MARGARET J. BRYAN, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1840. Caleb L. married SALLIE A. BRYAN, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1840. Benjamin F. married ANTOINETTE SHARP, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1842. Noah married and settled in Montgomery the same year. Benjamin, son of Caleb Summers, Sr., married POLLY RAFFERTY, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1839. The father of Caleb Summers, Sr., came to America in 1750, and the boots he wore then are in the museum at Cincinnati.
SPRY, Enoch Spry came to Mo. from Clark co., Ky., with SIMON GRIGGS and CORNELIUS HOWARD, when he was 15 years of age. He married MARY A. LOGAN, the only sister of WILLIAM, ALEXANDER, HUGH AND HENRY LOGAN, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1817. They had 8 children. Soon after steamboats began to navigate the Missouri river, Mr. Spry happening to be in the vicinity of the river one day, heard a boat blow its whistle, at which he became very much frightened, and ran home. He told his neighbors that a panther had caught a man down on the river, and he never heard any one halloo like he did. His story created so much excitement that a company was organized and went in pursuit of the "panther", which, of course, they could not find.
SMITH, Col. John Smith, of the rev. war, lived in Franklin co., Va., where he married FRANCES BURK , by whom he had William, C---- (Calum? Calvin?), Stephen, John, Wyatt, Henry, Susan, Mary and Frances. William married ELIZABETH FERGUSON, of Va., by whom he had Samuel, Thomas, Stephen, William H., Mary, Frances, Susan, Martha, Elizabeth, Sarah P. and Julia. Mary married KEMCOL C. GILBERT, who settled in Callaway co. Frances married COLONEL PETER BOOTH, of Ky., Susan married COLONEL F. A. HANCOCK, who settled in Alabama. Martha married THOMAS J. HOLLAND, who settled in Montgomery co., in 1832. He represented the county in the state legislature one term and was justice of the peace in Warren co. for a number of years. He died in 1862. Sarah P. Smith married her cousin, WRIGHT SMITH, who settled in Warren co., in 1837. Julia married JOHN CRAIGHEAD, who settled in Callaway co.
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Last updated 15 August 2000.