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Transcribed by Joanne Scobee Morgan
PRICE, Miles Price, of Wales, settled in Lincoln co., N.C., prior to the Revolutionary war. He married a MISS SHARP, and had a son named Thomas, who was a soldier of the revolution. He married ISABELLA SHARP, and they had Elizabeth, Thomas, Jr., Reese, Isaac, James, John, Isabella and Ellen. John married ANNA BARBER, of North Carolina, and they had 4 children previous to their removal to Mo., viz.: Elizabeth L., Cynthia, Miles S., and Thomas J. They came to Mo. and settled in Pike co., in 1819, after which they had the following children: Robert B., John H., Sallie A., Emily I., and Lucinda J. All of his children except Miles S., who is a member of the county court of Montgomery co., settled in Lincoln co. Mr. Price was constable and justice of the peace in Pike co. for thirty years. He was also a great snake killer, and every spring he and his neighbors would have a snake hunt. One spring they killed 9,000 rattlesnakes. Isaac Price first settled in St. Charles co., and afterward in Lincoln. He married TABITHA WILKERSON of the former county.PEGRAM. The parents of Daniel Pegram were Scotch. Daniel was born in Petersburg, Va., but settled and lived in Bedford co., where he raised 10 children, six sons and 4 daughters, each of whom was more than six foot in height. Thomas, a son of Daniel Pegram, married NANCY HOPKINS, whose mother's maiden name was CLARK, and who had a brother, CHESTER CLARK, who drew $100,000 in a lottery. Thomas had but three children... James L., Edward T., and William. The latter died in Virginia in his 19th year. James L. married JULIA R. OLEY, of Virginia, and settled in St. Charles Co., Mo., in 1839, and in Montgomery co., in 1845. Mrs. Pegram died in 1863. They had 8 children, four sons and four daughters. Edward T. Pegram married MILDRED CRANE, of Montgomery co., and had 2 children, a son and daughter.
PEVERLEY, Peter Peverley and his wife, LIBBIE MYERS, of Ky., had the following children... Polly, Peggy, David, Daniel, Elizabeth, Jacob & Peter. The 3 daughters married and settled in Montgomery co., Mo. David died in Texas. Daniel married MISS CASSETY, of Ky., and settled in Montgomery co. in 1824. Jacob married CRECY BUNCH, of Montgomery co. Peter married JANE DANGOM.
PATTON, Jacob Patton and his wife, REBECCA BARNETT, of N.C., had 4 children, James, Thomas, Mary and Rebecca. They settled on Loutre Island, in Montgomery co., in 1810. James, the eldest son, married VIOLET DOUGLASS, and they had Robert, William, Jesse, Samuel D., Amelia, Cynthia A., and Violet. Jesse married NANCY BURRELL, and lives in Boone co., Amelia married ELI JOHNSON, and is now a widow in Callaway co. The rest of James Patton's children are dead. Thomas, brother of James Patton, was bitten by a mad wolf, at his home on Loutre island, in Jan. 1816, and died of hydrophobia on the 16th of the following August, in the 43rd year of his age. His wife died in Dec. 1867, in her 90th year. Their children were James, William, Robert H., Thomas H., Elizabeth, Rebecca, Jane, Violet, and Mary. Rebecca, daughter of Jacob Patton, married JOHN GIBSON. She is now in her 88th year, a widow and resides in Callaway co. Mary married THOMAS PATTON, and their children were James B., William, Robert H., Thomas H., Eli M., Elizabeth, Rebecca, Jane, Violet, and Mary.
PEW, Reuben C. Pew was left an orphan at a very early age. According to the custom of those days he was "bound out" for his living, and got a very poor one. His master treated him badly, worked him hard, and gave him no education. When he was 16 years of age, he could not read or write, and his master, desiring to get rid of him, induced him to sign the muster roll of a company that was recruiting for service in the revolutionary war, telling him it was only a common piece of writing, and could do him no harm. The consequence was that he had to go into the army, very much against his will. He was captured soon after his enlistment, and held as a prisoner for several years, during which time he experienced all the horrors of the British prisons of those times. After the war he married a MISS SMITH, and settled in N.C., where he and his wife died, leaving 7 children, viz.: Reuben P., Benjamin F., Anderson S., Frances, Jemima, Polly, and Zilphey. Reuben P. was born in 1789. In 1810 he married his cousin, SARAH PARK, who died in Ky. in 1818, leaving 4 children - Erasmus D., Permelia H., James S., and William H. When the war of 1812 began, Mr. Pew enlisted, and was taken prisoner at Dudley's Defeat, but afterwards exchanged. After the death of his wife, he came to Mo., and made a contact to haul a lot of tan bark to St. Louis. He returned to KY., got his team, came back to St. Louis, fulfilled his contract, and cleared $1,200. He then returned to Ky., and removed his family to Montgomery co., Mo., where he settled in 1819. Here he married NANCY YATER, by whom he had 8 more children, Anderson J., George W., Amanda C., Frank M., Sally, Frances S., Mary J., Judith E., and Nancy E. Mr. Pew built the first horsemill in the northern part of the county, and made good flour; which was a rarity in those days. He put the flour into sacks and sent his boys on horseback to peddle it out over the country at the rate of one cent per pound. They frequently went as far as 30 miles from home to sell a few pounds of flour. Benjamin F. Pew married ELIZABETH CLARK, of Ky., and settled in Audrain co. Andrew S. married ANNA BETHEURAM, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1836. They had William D., Reuben C., Mary A., Jane H., Eliza A., and David A. Mr. Pew and his wife died at the same time, in 1844, and were buried in the same grave. Frances and Jemima married and settled in Grundy co., Mo. Polly married SIMPSON STEWART, who came to Mo. in 1821, but afterward removed to Illinois. Zilphey married a MR. POLK, who settled in Indiana.
PEERY, George, William and James Peery emigrated from Scotland and settled in Tazewell co., Va. George married MARTHA DAVIDSON, of Ireland, and they had 3 sons and 9 daughters. Joseph, the youngest son, married ELIZABETH HALL, of Virginia, and settled in Montgomery co., Mo., in 1836. Their children were Charles, Albert G., Gordon C., Thomas, Andrew, William H., Joseph A., and George. The members of the Peery family are a genial, hospitable people, and highly esteemed by their neighbors and acquaintances. Dr. Thomas Peery, who died in 1875, was especially distinguished for his many excellent qualities, and his loss is deeply felt by the community in which he lived.
PURVIS, John Purvis and his wife, MARGARET STROTHER, of Va., had Frank, George, Strother, John, William, Thomas, Elizabeth, Frances, Harriet, and Mary. Strother married ELIZABETH STERNE, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1839. They had 9 children.
POWELL, William G. Powell, of Holland, settled in Albemarle co., Va. His son, Lewis G., had 3 sons, James, Buck and Lewis, Jr. James married NANCY SHELOR, of Germany, and settled in Montgomery co., Mo., in 1820. They had John W., James W., William L., Thomas J., and 2 daughters, who died in infancy. After the death of James Powell, his widow, who lived for many years afterward, proved herself to be a woman capable of managing the business affairs of life and carrying them to a successful issue. During the cold winter of 1831-2, she had what is called a "jumping sleigh" built, and went in it to Va., one thousand miles distant, by herself, and brought back some negro slaves in another "jumper" similar to her own. Very few woman have ever accomplished such a feat as that. Buck Powell was a very stout man, and it is said that he could lift a barrel of whisky by his teeth and drink from the bung hole. He won a bet of fifty cents one day, by biting a ten penny nail in two, and he certainly earned his money. Thomas J., son of James Powell, is a prominent attorney and citizen of Montgomery co., and lives at New Florence. He has been sheriff of the county several times, and wields a large influence in political matters.
PEARLE, William Pearle, of Va., settled in Lincoln co., Ky., among the first settlers of that state. During a portion of the Indian troubles he took refuge with his family in the fort at Crab Orchard. His son, Henry, married POLLY OWSLEY, sister of GOVERNOR OWSLEY, of Ky., by whom he had 12 children, 7 of whom lived to be grown. The names of the latter were Samuel, William S. F., Patience, Joel, Henry, Nudigit O., and Catharine. Samuel married SALLY DUGAN, and settled in Warren co., Mo., in 1830. Joel married REBECCA WYATT, and settled in Montgomery co. Henry married his cousin, SALLY A. PEARLE, and settled in Montgomery co., in 1833. He was a school teacher and farmer, and concluded once that he could preach as well as anybody. So he gave out an appointment at the school house, and when the time arrive, a large congregation was in attendance to hear him. He gave out the hymn, sang, and led in prayer as well as any one, but when he arose to preach, his subject "flew from his brain", as he graphically expressed it, and he could not preach at all. He apologized by saying, "We thought we could preach, but we can't preach", and took his seat. Another incident of an entirely different character, but equally embarrassing, happened to him soon after he came to Montgomery co. Four of five of his horses strayed away, and he spent several months in hunting them, during which time he rode four or five hundred miles, and at last found his horses within five miles of home, where they had been all the time, grazing on the prairie. Patience Pearle married WILLIAM S. WYATT, of Warren co., and settled in Montgomery co., in 1836. The rest of the Pearle children settled in Montgomery co. at a later date.
POINDEXTER, Joseph Poindexter, of Bedford co., Va., was a captain in the rev. war. He married ELIZABETH KENERLY, and they had a son, Richard, who married a MISS FORD., of Va., and settled in Montgomery co., in 1837. They had Elizabeth A., Parthena S., Caroline K., Hezekiah F., Eliza, Edward L., Joseph C., James W., John D., and Mary L., most of whom settled in Montgomery co.
QUICK, Jacob Quick, of Germany, married a widow named MORRIS, whose maiden name was RHODA MOORE, of Ireland. They first settled in Maryland, where they had Aaron, Alexander, Jacob, Jr., Sarah and Rachel. Mr. Quick then removed with his family to Ky., and in 1811 he came to Mo. and settled on Loutre Island in Montgomery co. Previous to his removal to Ky., his children had never tasted cornbread. In 1812 he built a blockhouse for protection against the Indians, in Best's Bottom, on that place that was settled by JOHN HANCOCK, for whom Hancock's Prairie was named. Mr. Quick died at this place in 1822, and his wife, in 1834. During their residence there an old Indian named PHILLIPS lived with them for several years. He finally left them, and his body was afterward found away out in the western wilderness, with his gun lying by his side. Aaron Quick, the eldest son, died a bachelor. Alexander married NANCY GILBERT, of Ky., where they resided 13 years and then came to Mo. Their children were Elizabeth, William, Stephen, Sarah, Samuel, Aaron, Rhoda, Alexander, James and Gilbert. Jacob, Jr., married PHOEBE COPPS, of Ky., and settled in Montgomery co., on Whippoorwill Creek, in 1811. They had 8 children, William, Jacob, Sampson, Polly, Patsey, Sally, Peggy, and Elizabeth. Sarah Quick married JACOB GROOM, and Rachel married ROBERT McFARLAND, of Ky. They had only 2 children, Joseph and Sally, both of whom settled in Montgomery co.
ROCKAFELLOW, Peter Rockafellow, an old rev. soldier, was of German descent. He married the WIDOW McGLATHAN, and settled in Montgomery co., Mo., in 1822. (He lived a short time in St. Louis co., when he first came to Mo.) He had but one child, Anna, who married ANDREW HUNTER.
RUSSELL, Robert Russell, of Campbell co., Va., settled in Montgomery co., Mo., in 1830. His wife's maiden name was BRIDGET BRYANT. Their children were James, Harrison, John, Mary, Susan, Elizabeth and Sarah. Mr. Russell died in 1831 and was the first person buried in the noted old Virginia graveyard, of Montgomery co., which received its name from the fact that nearly all who were buried there were Virginians.
RICE, William B. Rice was a rev. soldier. Previous to his enlistment in the army he accompanied Daniel Boone on one of his expeditions to Ky. He married REBECCA ARLINGTON, by whom he had David, William G., Benjamin, Samuel, Callier and Sophia. Mr. Rice settled in Montgomery co., in 1825, and died in his 95th year. His eldest son, David, married ELIZABETH HENDERSON, by whom he had a daughter named Louisa, who married JUDGE WILLIAM G. SHACKELFORD, son of JOHN SHACKELFORD, of Va. The judge was left an orphan at 4 years of age, and was raised by his uncle, SAMUEL LAWRENCE, who educated him for a lawyer. He came to Montgomery co., in 1835, where he lost his wife, by whom he had 6 children. He afterward married ANNA RICE, daughter of WILLIAM G. RICE, by whom he had six other children. Judge Shackelford was judge of the county court of Montgomery co., for 21 years. He was a successful farmer, also, but never had a cart or wagon on his place. His corn and other produce were gathered in baskets and carried to the barn. William G. Rice was married first to MARY VANDIVER, by whom he had 3 children. His 2nd wife was SALLY VANDIVER, by whom he had 9 children. Mr. Rice was elected Assessor at a time when the county was in debt, and he made such a thorough and accurate assessment that he paid the debt and left some money in the treasury. It is said that he rode an ox most of the time as he traveled over the county, and although the assertion cannot be substantiated, it is universally believed, and is doubtless true. But no matter what sort of an animal he rode, he made one of the best assessors Montgomery co., ever had, and his horned steed no doubt greatly assisted him in climbing over the mountainous region that borders upon the head waters of Loutre. Mr. Rice also kept tavern ion the Booneslick road, where MRS. DAVAULT now lives, and when a traveler asked the price of dinner he would be told that he could get cornbread and "common fixins" for 25 cents, but if he wanted wheat bread and "chicken fixins" it would be 37 1/2 cents. If the traveler decided to take both kinds of "fixins", he paid 62 1/2 cents, ate his dinner and departed much amused at the singular terms of his eccentric host.
RODGERS, James Rodgers, of Pa., settled in Nelson co., Ky., where he raised a large family of children and gave each of them a bible. Presley Rodgers, his son, married ELIZABETH FOLAY, of Ky., by whom he had Martha A., Mary E., James, John, Phoebe, Felix G., Elizabeth E., Nancy, Julia A., Pernesia and America. Mr. Rodgers came to Mo. in 1831 and settled in Howard co., afterward, in Boone, then in Saline, and finally in Montgomery. He was a blacksmith, and worked at his trade until his death, which occurred in Dec. 1863. He built the first blacksmith shop in Montgomery City. 8 of his 11 children are still living and 7 of them reside in Montgomery co.
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This page is maintained by Joanna Ashmun, Montgomery County coordinator.
Last updated 12 August 2000.