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Transcribed by Joanne Scobee Morgan
McFARLAND, Joseph McFarland, of Ireland, came to America before the revolution, and settled at Norfolk, Va. He joined the American army when the war broke out, and was killed in battle. He left a widow and one son, Robert, who settled in Madison co., Ky., where he married RHODA QUICK, and they had Sarah, Joseph and Rachel. Mr. McFarland's first wife died and he subsequently married EVA FARMER, of Va., by whom he had Eleanor, Lucinda, Elizabeth, Permelia, Eliza and Robert. Joseph McFarland settled in Montgomery co., in 1825. He married POLLY CUNDIFF. Lucinda married JAMES McGARVIN, of Montgomery co. Eliza married JONATHAN G. GENTRY.MORROW, Daniel Morrow, a soldier of the war of 1812, married FANNY HALL, and settled in So. Carolina, but afterward removed to Tennesee. Their children were John, Fanny, Sarah, and Elizabeth. John married SARAH HALL, and settled in Montgomery co., Mo. in 1816. They had William, Bethel C., John H., David P., James A., Washington J., Lucinda, Elizabeth and Sarah M.
MASSEY, Thomas Massey, Sr., married NANCY HILL, of Ky., and settled in Montgomery co. in 1809, and in 1813, he settled at Loutre Lick, having obtained permission to do so from Nathan Boone, who owned the land on which the Lick is situated. His son, Thomas, Jr., was a ranger in Boone's company. There were 11 children in all, viz.: Israel, Thomas, Jr., Harris, Ann, Agnes, Sally, Nancy, Matilda, Elizabeth and Docia.
MAUPIN, Gabriel Maupin, eldest son of Thomas Maupin of Albermarle co., Va., married ANNA SPENCER, by whom he had John, Thomas, Joel, Clifton, David, Arthur T., Susan, Nancy, Polly, Rosana and Patsey. Arthur T. and Joel married and settled in Montgomery co., Mo., in 1838.
McGINNIS, John McGinnis and his wife came from Ireland, and settled first in Va., from whence they removed to Ky. Their son, Greenberry D., married SALLIE LEWIS, of Ky., and settled in Lincoln co., Mo., in 1832. His children were Elizabeth, Margaret B., William B., Jane, Nancy, Thomas S., Maria, Milton, Sarah E., and Mary E. Milton married MARGARET WILLIAMS and settled in Pike co. Elizabeth married ENOCH SEVIER and lives in Lincoln co. William B. married twice and settled in Illinois. Jane and Nancy died single. Sarah E. married JOHN HARRIS, and settled in Illinois... Samuel, son of John McGinnis Sr., was married twice and by his first wife he had John, Dora, Samuel, Jr., Polly and Elizabeth. He was married the 2nd time to MRS. MARY McGINNIS, by whom he had Erasmus T., William and Jesse G. Erasmus was married first to MISS STEWART, and second to FANNY BERGER. He lives in Montgomery co. William also married a MISS STEWART and lived and died in Montgomery co.
MABREY, Cornelius Mabrey, of Pittsylvania co., Va., was a millwright by trade. He was married twice, but of his first wife and her children, we have no account. His second wife was POLLY CHANEY, by whom he had Patsey, Pleasant, Letitia, Elizabeth, Polly & Philip. Mr. Mabrey moved to middle Tennessee and lived there several years. He afterward settled in Logan co., Ky., where, after a residence of several years, he was drowned. In 1828 his widow and her children came to Mo., and settled in Lincoln co., where she died two years afterward. The eldest daughter, Patsey, married GEORGE HUSS, who also settled in Lincoln co. Pleasant married BARSHEBA ENGLAND, and is now living in Pike co. He had 7 children, 5 of whom live in in Montgomery co. Letitia married JAMES EIDRUM, of Ky. Elizabeth married SHELTON COBERT. Polly married ELBERT ENERT. The 3 latter all live in Lincoln co. Philip, who lives in Montgomery co., was married twice; first to POLLY UPTEGROVE, and second to ELIZA J. HUGHES. He is a carpenter by trade, and has done well in his battle with life. In his younger days he was very intimate with DR. McFARLAND, of Troy, and they went to all the quiltings and dances together. They were both very tall men, and the lofts of the cabins had to be taken out before they could dance without striking their heads against the boards. When the dance was over they would assist in replacing the loft. Young men and women often came to these frolics barefooted; but they generally went prepared with buckskin, from which they made moccasins to dance in, before the dance began.
McCARTY - Ezekiel and Ira McCarty were sons of James McCarty and JANE HARDING, of Va. They settled in Clark co., Ky., in 1806 where they lived and died. They had 12 sisters, all of whom married and settled in Ky. Ezekiel was a soldier of the war of 1812, and was in the battle known as Dudley's defeat. He married ELIZABETH SIDEBOTTOM, of Ky. Their children were Shelton A., Eli, James, Sally, George W., John W., Joseph K., and Alfred S. Mr. McCarty removed to Mo. and settled in Danville in 1836. He died in 1866, and his wife in 1873. Eli, George W., and Alfred are the only surviving children. George W., is a justice of the peace and a prominent citizen. Ira McCarty, brother of Ezekiel, married a MISS MOORE, of Ky., and settled in Boone co., Mo., where he raised a family of 7 children.
MAUGHS, Nathaniel Maughs was of Loudon co., Va. His children were David, William, John, Moses, Elijah, Stephen, Vinson, Mary, Sally and Eli. Mr. Maughs removed from Va. to Fleming co., Ky., and his children all came with him. David and William were Baptist preachers, and the former settled in Lincoln co., Mo. Elijah married MARY SMITH, by whom he had Mordecai M., Milton M., Sophronia F., Lucinda S., Elijah C., Daniel M., and Mary S. V. Mr. Maughs died, and his widow married his brother, Stephen, who settled in Montgomery co., Mo., in 1822. They had Jerry S. D. S., and George M. B. Mordecai Maughs who was a physician was married first to the WIDOW JANE SCOTT; second to DOROTHEA STEPHENSON, and third to LIZZIE OFFUTT. He had 16 children in all. The doctor was an educated, intelligent man, full of wit and humor, and very fond of practical jokes. He lived at Danville for many years but finally removed to Callaway co., where he died. Sophronia Maughs married DR. WILLIAM PROCTOR, of St. Louis. Mary V. S. was married first to HENRY DAVAULT and second to WILLIE LOYD, both old settlers of Montgomery co. Jerry died a bachelor in Montgomery co. George M. B., son of Stephen Maughs, is a physician. He married ANNA ANDERSON, of Callaway co., and settled in St. Louis, where he has become distinguished in his profession.
MORRIS - The parents of Joshua and Samuel Morris died in Va. Joshua married NARCISSA VALLANDINGHAM, and settled in Mo. in 1821. Their children were William H., Samuel J., Lewis R., Sarah J., and Rachel A. Samuel Morris, brother of Joshua, was a saddler by trade, and made such good saddles that they became popular all over the country, and he had all the work he could do. He settled in Mo. in 1821 and married ESTHER BRYAN, daughter of HENRY BRYAN. Their children were Joshua, Chester, Marion, Naoma, Cynthia, Lucinda, Julia, Virlena and Alice. Mr. Morris lives in Saline co.; his wife has been dead several years.
McGHEE, John McGhee, a native of Ireland, married MARGARET ADAMS, who was born in England. They settled in Shelby co., Ky., where they had Lynch, Emily, Margaret, James, Washington, Nancy and Rice. Lynch was a physician. He married MARGARET SHACKELFORD, and settled in Louisville, Ky., but removed to St. Louis, Mo., in 1838. Washington married JULIA SIBLEY, of Ky., and died in 1828, leaving a widow and four children... Mary H., Robert L., Harriet and Epsey. Mrs. McGhee and her children settled in Montgomery co., Mo., in 1841, and she is still living, in her 76th year.
MOORE, James Moore was born in Campbell co., Va., in 1761. He was married in 1795 to PRISCILLA REED, by whom he had John G., William R., Sarah, Thomas, James G., Mary and Martha. He was a captain in the war of 1812. In 1839 he came to Mo. and settled on Dry Fork of Loutre, in Montgomery co., where he died in 1858. His wife died one month later. Mr. Moore was a member of the Methodist church, a quiet and inoffensive man, and highly esteemed by his neighbors and friends. His son, William R., married MARY HUBBARD, of Va., and settled in St. Joseph, Mo. Sarah married WILLIAM FARRIS, and remained in Va. Thomas married EDETHA REYNOLDS, of Va., and settled in Montgomery co., in 1839. James G. never married. He settled in Montgomery co. in 1839 and is the only one of the original family still living. Mary married WILLIAM McDANIEL, who settled in Montgomery co., in 1839. Martha married PETER G. HUNTER, of Montgomery co.
NOWLIN, James nowlin and his wife, MARTHA COLLINS, were natives of Scotland. They came to America prior to the Revolution and brought all their household and kitchen furniture with them. they settled first in the eastern part of Va., but afterward removed to Pittsylvania co. Their only son, Bryan W. Nowlin, was a captain in the American army during the revolution. He married LUCY WAIDE, of Va., and they had 15 children, thirteen of whom lived to be grown, and 12 of them married. The eldest son, Peyton, married LUCY TOWNSEND, and settled first in Ky., from whence he removed to Saline co., Mo., previous to 1820, and raised a large family of children. Richard Nowlin, brother of Peyton, married CELIE SHELTON, and settled first in Ky., and afterward in Saline co., Mo. Samuel Nowlin married FANNIE PAUL, of Va., by whom he had Joseph and David. His first wife died, and he was married the 2nd time to ELIZABETH EVERSON, by whom he had 2 daughters, both of whom are living in Va. Joseph Nowlin lived and died in Lynchburg, Va. David studied law at the U. of Va. In 1835 he married ELIZABETH BERGER, of Va., and the following year he came to Mo. and settled in Montgomery co., where he practiced his profession, and was elected to several official positions in the county, which he filled with credit to himself and his constituents. He was also a Baptist preacher, and possessed more than ordinary powers as a pulpit orator. His son, Samuel S. Nowlin, is an attorney, and lives at Montgomery City. He has served his country as circuit clerk, and made one of the best officers the county ever had. He possesses a large influence, and his prospects for future political advancement are good.
NUNNELLY, Peter Nunnelly was a "bound boy" to a horse doctor and jockey, and was with LORD CORNWALLIS' army at Yorktown, when it was captured. After the war, he settled in America and was married twice; first to ELIZABETH SMART, by whom he had Peter, Jr., Absalom, Benjamin, Gillum, Buckner, Littleberry, James, Ephraim, Mildred, Martha and Judith. Ephraim married ELIZABETH WILLIAMS, and his son, Ephraim married EVELINE SCHOLL, and lives in Callaway co. His children were James, Anderson, Daniel, John, Lucy, Mary H., Elizabeth, Sarah L., and Susan A. James is a bachelor and lives in Montgomery co. Anderson married VIOLET PATTON, and lived and died in Montgomery co. Daniel married CATHARINE LEE. John and Lucy died young. Mary H. married JOHN McMAHAN. Elizabeth married GRANVILLE NUNNELLY, her cousin. Sarah L. married BENJAMIN F. LEAVELL. Susan A. married GRANVILLE L. GREGORY.
ODEN, John Oden, of England, settled in Loudon co., Va. His children were Hezekiah, Thomas, John, Lewis, William and Vinson. Hezekiah married ELIZABETH LEACH, of Va., and settled in Pike co., Mo., in 1828. They had John, William, Vinson, Harriet, Maria, Polly, Sally, and Alfred. Vinson married MARY HOUSE, and lives in Montgomery co. William and Polly died in Ky. Sally was married first to JOSEPH THOMAS, and 2nd to GARLAND T. HUDSON. She is a widow again, and lives in Audrain co. Maria and Alfred married and remained in Pike co. Harried married JOHN KING, who moved to New Orleans, La.
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This page is maintained by Joanna Ashmun, Montgomery County coordinator.
Last updated 12 August 2000.