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Here are the marriages from The Audrain County Oracle that I have transcribed so far. The newspaper articles have been copied exactly as printed including what I felt were spelling errors. The Audrain County Oracle was a weekly paper published by John DeVault at Martinsburg, Missouri. Because of the proximity to Montgomery and Callaway Counties, often news from these areas was included. Copies of the paper from November 4, 1909, through November 12, 1914, and from December 20, 1917, through November 6, 1919, have been saved and may be viewed at the Missouri State Historical Society. -- Nancy Hale Lee nllee@ktis.net
November 17, 1910
Finley Johnson, a prominent business man of Benton City, and Mrs. Grace Moore, also of Benton City, were married in Chicago Thursday, Nov. 10th, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will make their home in Benton City.Venice news items
Mr. Finley Johnson and Mrs. Grace Moore, both of Benton City, were married last week in Chicago.
Cards are out announcing the marriage of Otho Dudley of Bachelor and Miss Zula Holbrook of Benton City.
Wm. Rich of St. Louis and Miss Carrie Tratchel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Trachel of Benton City, were married at the home of the bride Wednesday, Nov. 23rd, by Rev. A. A. Wallace of Mexico.
January 5, 1911
Prof. R. B. Finley, of the McMillian High School at Mexico, and Miss Rita Hall, also of Mexico, were married at the Methodist Church at that place Wednesday, Dec. 28th, by Rev. Fielding Marion, of Canton, Mo.
Mr. Oscar L. Phelps, of San Bernardino, Calif., and Miss Pearl Spitzhirn, of Wellsville, were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Spitzhirn, Tuesday, Dec. 27th.
Clarence W. Poe of Martinsburg and Miss Ethel F. Hampton of Benton City, Audrain county, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the home of the bride's brother in this city last Saturday, Dec. 24, Rev. Percy G. Carter officiating. The happy couple left Monday to spend their honeymoon with relatives in Kentucky -- Standard.
Roy E. Cahall and Miss Grace Alderson were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Alderson, six miles east of Wellsville Dec. 21st.
A pretty wedding took place at Wellsville Christmas Day when Miss Hallie Blattner, daughter of A. J. Blattner, was united in marriage to Ralph G. Lehnen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lehnen of that place, Rev. L. G. Landenberger officiating.
January 12, 1911
From Laddonia Herald -- T. E. Moss, the popular horseman at Vandalia, was married last week to Miss Allie Gilmore. Congratulations, Thomas.
Chas. D. Watts and Miss Susie Crum living South-east of Mexico were married Sunday, Jan. 1.
Miss Sylvia Stevens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stevens of Laddonia, and John W. Groom, of Thayer, were married in Mexico Sunday, Jan. 1.
B. M. Cook, Montgomery County's newly elected Probate Judge, was sworn in Monday, Jan. 1, and on the same day performed his first ceremony, the parties being Leonard F. Deardoff, of Bachelor, and Miss Conley of Montgomery City.
January 19, 1911
Mr. J. B. Swan, of Liberty, Kans., and Miss Ruby Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Thompson, southwest of town, were married Sunday at noon by Rev. Francis Ball. The wedding was a quiet affair only the immediate family being present.
Mr. and Mrs. Swan will make their home at present with the bride's parents.Vomund-Fennewald
At St. Joseph Church Wednesday morning at High Mass, Mr. Bernard Vomund and Miss Celia Fennewald were united in marriage at eight o'clock, Fr. J. L. Haar officiating. The attendants were Miss Mary Fennewald, a sister of the bride, and Mr. Elmer Vomund, brother of the groom.
The wedding was a pretty affair. The bride was dressed in white satin and looked very beautiful, the bridesmaid was also prettily attired in white with a large white picture hat and carried a large bouquet of pink carnations. The groom and attendant wore the conventional black.
Miss Celia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Fennewald, one of our prominent families, and is one of Martinsburg's finest young women with a host of warm and loving friends. Mr. Vomund is the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Vomund of this place and is an industrious young man.
A reception was given to the elderly people at the bride's home at 10 a.m. and in the evening at 5 p.m. the young people were entertained, after which a dance was given at the hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Vomund will go to housekeeping on a farm near Wellsville.Marriage licenses were issued in Mexico last Thursday to Miss Gertrude Barney and Walker Briton of this county.
Thos. F. Burgess of north of Mexico and Miss Daisy Hall of Farmer City, Ill., were married at Mexico Saturday.
January 26, 1911
Miss Faye Arlene Darlington, of Hannibal, and Mr. Ralph Owens, of Centralia, were married Sunday, Jan. 15. Mr. Owens holds the position as bookkeeper for the LaCross Lumber Co. at Centralia. He formerly had charge of the lumber yard here and has many friends at this place.Benton City Items
Aug. Duffin and Miss Mable Goodson were secretly married at Kansas City. The marriage was a surprise to all.Wedding Announced
The wedding of Miss Jennie Fennewald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Fennewald, and Henry Dubbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dubbert, was announced at St. Joseph's Church Sunday. These young people are very popular in this community and are members of two of our most prominent families.Miss Micca Major, daughter of Attorney General, Elliott W. Major, and Jno. N. Sanderson of Bowling Green were married at Jefferson City Wednesday, Jan. 18th.
Miss Edna Duncan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Duncan, and R. Hubert Biggs of Denver, Colo., were married Saturday, Jan. 14th. Miss Duncan formerly lived in Mexico and is well-known here.
February 2, 1911
A large crowd assembled at St. Joseph's Church Tuesday morning at eight o'clock to witness the marriage ceremony uniting the lives of Miss Hattie Gillaspie and Mr. Henry Meyerpeter. Fr. J. L. Haar officiating. The attendants were Miss Mamie Meyerpeter and Mr. John Meyerpeter, a sister and brother of the groom. The bride is a brunette type and looked very pretty attired in a white silk dress and carrying a bouquet of white roses. The bridesmaid is a pretty blond and the lavender silk dress she wore added much to her charm. She also carried a large bouquet of pink carnations. The groom and his attendant wore the conventional black. Miss Hattie is a daughter of Mrs. E. Wilson of south of town, and her genial way and sweet disposition makes her many warm friends. The groom is a son of Mrs. Katherine Meyerpeter of this place.
February 9, 1911
Mr. Everett Boicourt and Miss Beulah Deardoff stole a march on their friends at this place and were married in Montgomery at the Methodist parsonage Wednesday, January 26th.
Immediately after the ceremony they went to housekeeping on a farm rented near High Hill.
The popular young couple have the best wishes of the entire community.Fennewald-Dubbert
An interesting ceremony took place at St. Joseph's Church Tuesday morning, Feb. 7th. The occasion was that of the marriage of Miss Jennie Fennewald, daughter of one of our most prominent farmers, Mr. Barney Fennewald, to Mr. Henry Dubbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dubbert, also a highly respected family of our community. The Rev. August Dubbert, of St. Louis, a brother of the groom officiated Solemn High Mass and was assisted by his cousins, the Rev. H. J. Adrain, of St. Louis, and the Rev. John Adrain, of Arcadia. The pastor, Rev. J. L. Haar, was master of ceremonies. During the mass the nuptial knot was tied.
The bride, one of our most lovable young ladies, was elegantly attired in a beautiful white messaline gown and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and lilies of the valley. Her maid of honor, Miss Clara Fennewald, looked very pretty in a dainty pink messaline and large picture hat corresponding in color. She carried a sheaf of sweet peas.
The groom, one of our most promising young men was attended by his brother, Mr. Jos. Dubbert, of Tipton, Kans.
The church was beautifully decorated and this together with the especially arranged musical program added beauty and solemnity to the occasion. After the ceremony there was a breakfast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fennewald for the bridal party, the officiating clergymen and the immediate relatives.
They departed the same day on an extended trip through the west.
We are happy to state that Mr. and Mrs. Dubbert will make their home in our community.
Much joy and happiness to this estimable young couple.
February 23, 1911
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Pierson, of Benton City, were pleasantly surprised by a host of friends in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary Friday evening. The evening was spent in music, song and social entertainment, after which an oyster supper was served. There were eighty-five guests present who departed at a late hour wishing their host and hostess many happy returns of the day.
Miss Mary Engleman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engleman of this place, and Mr. Frank Wilke, of St. Peters, were married at St. Joseph's Church Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock. The attendants were Mr. Ben Wilke, a brother of the groom, and Miss Gertrude Haiduzek.
Immediately after (the ceremony) the wedding party with the immediate friends and relatives repaired to the bride's home where a sumptuous breakfast was served.
Mr. Wilke is a promising young farmer of near St. Peters. Miss Engleman is a nice young lady and her host of friends joins the Oracle in extending congratulations and best wishes.Liberty Items --
R. T. Meadows, of Bachelor, and Miss Anna Nichols were united in marriage last week and will live on the G. Beery place this year.
March 2, 1911
O. B. Walker and Miss Alice Hutts, living southeast of here were married in Wellsville Sunday, Feb. 14th. These young people are highly respected and have the best wishes of their many friends.
Frank Erdel, a prominent young farmer of north of Rush Hill, and Miss Lilly Gardener of Rush Hill were quietly married at the Methodist Parsonage in Mexico Sunday evening.
The groom is a young man of sterling worth and the bride an estimable young lady with a host of friends. They will reside on Mr. Erdel's farm. Their many friends extend congratulations and hope that they will always be as happy as they expect to be.Deardoff-Boicourt
C. M. Deardoff and Miss Pearl Boicourt were married at the Methodist parsonage at Mexico Tuesday afternoon by Rev. Willis Carlisle. Mr. and Mrs. Deardoff will reside on the groom's farm north of this place.
This is a highly respected young couple and have the best wishes of their many friends for a happy and prosperous life.
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This page is maintained by Joanna Ashmun, Montgomery County coordinator.
Last updated 29 May 2000.
© 1997, 1998, 2000 by Joanna M. Ashmun.